•  3149-6018
  •  5547-7420

我們是The 440



440取名自一個音樂的標準頻率。國際標準組織 (ISO) 在1953年已將全球的音樂都調為440Hz,亦即是大家在管絃樂音樂會開始前樂手調音時的A音。


The 440 Academy位於調景嶺維景灣畔三期商場,提供多元化、高質素的音樂、學術、視藝、STEM、棋藝及戲劇課程。其他服務範疇包括:

  • 琴房、古箏房、敲擊房及鼓房租練
  • 錄音製作、專業音響租借及樂器租借



Ekmanson Poon

Learning percussion since the age of 14 DIRECTOR under the guidance of Choy Lap Tak, Poon has gained much performance experience and had been the principal percussionist of several symphonic bands. He is also acquanited with the management of an music organisation, focusing on its marketing and promotion. Poon has been sharing his music performances on YouTube since 2008 with over 275,000 views.

With 7As in HKCEE, Poon was one of the first Early Admission Scheme students admitted by HKU. He now has a Master of Master of Philosophy degree in Logistics Engineering, a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution. He is a member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineer, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (UK) and Audio Engineering Society (US). With his experience in managing the PA systems of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and later AsiaWorld-Expo, he is good at optimising the sound effect of an performance event.

Poon is also dedicated to youth development. He has been the master of ceremony for various events of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups since 2003. He has recently delivered guest lectures for their “FLL Robotics Tournament” and “1+1 Tip-top Talent Scheme”, and judged for the “Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition”. He had also organised the “Present Around The World” events (local and Asia-Pacific versions) for The Institution of Engineering and Technology from 2008 to 2011. During his tenure in AsiaWorld-Expo, he took up the role of Lantau Development Alliance Local Employment and Training Taskforce Chairman, running the “Youth-up Programme” to promote upward mobility of the teenagers.


Flora Yung
BSocSc(Psychology) PGDE(Music) MA(Cultural Management) MA(Music)

Flora Yung is the director of The 440 Studio, which she founded in 2015.

Having started the clarinet at the age of 12 under guidance of Jumbo Chan and Martin Choy, Yung received many awards in the Hong Kong School Music Festival including champion of solo and ensemble class and first runner up of winds duet. She is an experienced clarinet and saxophone tutor, as well as a band and choir conductor. She has been participating in different local orchestras and symphonic bands. Yung has recorded the clarinet solo for movie soundtracks, including ‘Love in the Puff’, ‘Love in the Buff’, ‘Vulgaria’ and Canon advertisement.

Yung is a registered teacher in Hong Kong. With her experience as a secondary school music teacher, the Education and Outreach Coorindator at the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the Orchestra Manager at the Hong Kong Children’s Symphony Orchestra, she is good at both teaching music and organizing events and overseas exchange tours. She has also arranged numerous music performances of different styles in various town halls, APM, The Sun Arcade, Lan Kwai Fong, etc and performed herself in The East, Discovery Bay and Whampoa too.

Yung is also the director and founder of The 440 Productions, which focuses on graphic design and production outputs for concert and conference events, as well as school publications. Major clients include Prudential, New World Development, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia, etc.


The 440 Academy致力為閣下提供高質素的房間租賃服務。我們的房間寛敞舒適,並設有高質素及專業的樂器和器材。本中心位於維景灣畔三期商場,與調景嶺港鐵站只是一橋之隔。中心並設有免費無線寬頻上網服務,以確保你的排練得以順利進行。

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閣下如有興趣加盟The 440 Academy成為導師,歡迎填寫網上申請表格或將履歷電郵至 [email protected] 與我們聯絡。


The 440 Academy秉承對各樣事情的精確要求,提供多元化、高質素的音樂、學術、視藝、STEM、棋藝及戲劇課程。希望學員與我們一樣,在同一個頻率上一起成長,一起建立對各事物的摯愛與熱誠。

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